Something For Your Spirit

     Elder Thomas W. Burgess

Oct. 21, 2015

The Empowering Presence Of The Holy Spirit

In the 1980's, the r&b group "The Commodores" and their lead singer Lionel Ritchie recorded a song that was played not only on r & b radio stations but gospel stations as well. The song was "Jesus is Love" and for a certainty, we who have accepted Him as our Lord and Savior know that. Our goal in life should be showing the unbeliever the love in us that Jesus has for all people to win that soul for the kingdom. If you are asking how do I do that? This is for you. It may be a little long but stay with me.

John 13:31-38 Jesus is preparing His discipiles for His departure from them. His love for them is the example all who belong to Him must have toward one another. He knew the one thing missing in their lives was the one thing needed in order for them to become who He knew they would be when He chose them...The Holy Spirit.

Jesus in John 14:1-3 speaks into them words of comfort so powerful, they are used today to bring comfort to those who are grieving due to loss of a friend or loved one. He speaks into them 3 elements... Peace, Place and Promise.

Verses 1-3...Let not your heart be troubled: ye believe in God, believe in me  PEACE. (2)....In my Father's house are many mansions: If it were not so, I would have told you. I go to prepare a PLACE for you. (3)...And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again, and receive you unto myself; that where I am, there ye may be also PROMISE. It also is love, Jesus cares for those He chose. He talked about another Promise in Acts 1:4.

Jesus said in John 14:15-17...If ye love me, keep my commandments. (16)...And I will Pray the Father, and he shall give you another Comforter, that he may abide with you forever; (17) Even the Spirit of truth; whom the world cannot receive because it seeth him not, neither knoweth him: but ye know him; for he dwelleth with you, and shall be in you.

Jesus use of the word "another" in verse 16 means another of the same kind. Comforter is one besides Me and in addition to Me but one just like Me. He (the Comforter) will do in my absence what I would do if I were physically present with you. The Spirit's coming assures continuity with what Jesus did and taught.

John 16:7...Jesus says "Nevertheless I tell you the truth; It is expedient for you that I go away: for if I go not away, the Comforter will not come unto you; but if I depart, I will send Him unto you. That is love.

Acts 2:4 is the story of the disciples receiving the Holy Ghost which is the PROMISE Jesus talked about in Acts 1:4. That event is the one thing Jesus was referring to that they would need because it would give them power to witness about Him...and did they ever.

This scriptural foundation is necessary for us all to understand that we can accomplish all that God has for us through the leading of the Holy Spirit. For you and I today, the Holy Spirit is what helps our faith prove our works. You and I were not created just to take up space. We have a purpose, the Holy Spirit will enable you to fulfill that purpose.

I would play PowerBall and Lotto trying for the big pay day. Part of my reasoning was to help those less fortunate. I was reminded by the Holy Spirit, the greater witness is not giving help to those who need it out of your abundance, it is of your obedience...even when there is little.

An Evangelist at my church sends me videos via faceBook that show how people are blessed to the point of tears because they are so overcome with emotion because someone helped them...paying their grocery bill when they didn't have money to pay or offering someone something they needed even though the person giving it to them was in as bad shape as the receiver of the gift was.

That happens because of the Empowering Presence Of the Holy Spirit in someone's life. The Spirit speaks to you and I everyday, telling us don't go that way to work, go this way or tell that person standing in front of you...everything will be alright, just hold on. If you are obedient to what He leads you to do, not only will that person be Blessed, through your obedience God is Glorified and you will have a feeling of satisfaction you never knew was possible.  

We are being tremendously Blessed because men and women being led by the Holy Spirit are giving us movies like WarRoom and WoodLawn and many others. They prove to the unbeliever how their lives can be changed simply by accepting Christ and allowing Him to use them for His Glory through their witness.

Ask the Spirit to speak through you, become the vessel He needs and when you open your mouth He will speak. Tell someone your story of how you were messed up, strung out, lied on, cheated on, abused mentally and in some cases physically but God kept you so you would not lose your mind. Tell them how His love cleaned you up, put a new song about Him in your heart and how you are now running to tell everyone you meet about the Love, Goodness and Mercy of the only True and Living GOD. Let the Empowering Presence Of The Holy Spirit shine brightly in our life.

Latest comments

15.05 | 02:29

Thank you for sharing.

06.03 | 16:51

Thank you for sharing, it is so very true that his abiding love produces great faith, which has produced peace in my life over and over again, allows me to live through my midnight to wake up to JOY!

02.03 | 01:20

Amen and AMEN! HE’s sweet. I KNOW...❤️🙏🏽

21.06 | 05:36

Thanks for keeping me in mind.

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